About Me

hello, i’m ian!

welcome to my modest corner of the internet. this blog is mostly an outlet for technical, programming-related posts and other things i might find interesting to document for my future self. this includes new technologies i learn along the way, things and stuff. right now i’m learning k8s and other cloud-native tech to couple with my knack for backend engineering, but who knows what i’ll accomplish along the way.

i’m an endlessly curious and enthusiastic information geek who’s an advocate for the success of others, pushing boundaries, and open-source software. i’m passionate about culture, community, and learning new things. i’ve worked on my own projects and honed the art of creating curriculum. i’ve learned to view obstacles as learning opportunities and failures as feedback.

i’ve dedicated thousands of hours towards many different things - programming, writing, design and many more. my only hobby is picking up new hobbies. 😁

i can’t promise regular posts, but more of sporadic uploads. as i struggle through all the things i’m learning, i hope that whatever i pick up will help other people down the road whenever i wasn’t able to find a random post that answered my niche question. 😉

In the meantime, you can check out my blog.